Will you please be quiet, please?

2 or 3 nights a week, a gathering of drivers spend between 15 minutes to an hour in a parking lot near me. These drivers do donuts, rev their shitty engines beyond comprehension, beep their car horns, and fire guns. 

Even though I’m safe in my apartment, away from the chaos, it can make me nervous.

Sometimes my imagination allows me to think that once they're done in the parking lot, they’ll raid the nearest apartment complex, which would be mine. It’s an insane thought, I know. But that’s the sort of thought that crosses your mind when someone you can’t identify has annoyed you for long enough.

Your annoyance turns to anger which then creates conflict.

But as soon as I’ve allowed the noise to intimidate me, alone, in my apartment, I think about the loudest people I know.

And how I pity them so.


15 December 2023.

